Thursday, 24 June 2021

Eulogy for... Anthony Azikiwe Omu

 Husband, Lawyer, Provider, Disciplinarian, our father. My dad was extremely proud of us as well as our successes and achievements. “Chief Engineer!" he would call me. He was so proud of me anywhere, anytime and to everyone he knew. He was an imperfect human being who was both kind and short-tempered. He loved us, his family and friends and maybe drove them nuts at times. My dad was loud. Whether barking out commands and expressions of exasperation, or laughing and engaging happily with those he loved, his voice boomed.

Through my dad, I learned some complex lessons pertaining to the head and the heart.

I learned that acceptance is all there really is when it comes to loving someone.

As humans we all have our difficulties, things we have struggled with, nobody is perfect. I know beyond any doubt that he always loved his children and the family generally, sincerely.

I acknowledge my dad’s failings. I love him, and the most sincere way I know of expressing my love (particularly in his absence) is by learning from his mistakes and accepting the responsibility of not repeating them.

I have not quite come to terms with the fact that I will never have another conversation with my father again. I am sure I share that with many of you.

I pray to God to accept all his good deeds and forgive his wrongs.

So, with death setting your spirit free, journey unencumbered. And may your soul find contentment and eternal peace.

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